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Welcome to my projects page. Here I showcase some of the personal projects that I have done using QGIS, SAGA and other open source mapping software that I have learnt to use over time.

Content shall be updated every so often.


GIS, (Geographic Information Systems) for those new to the term, is quite simply a system that creates, manages, analyzes all kinds of data and puts it in a map, and from there, you as the user can utilize this map for whatever purpose you intend.

Service Area Analysis

Service Area Analysis is a method used to determine accessibility of various locations. Through this analysis, one is able to know what areas can be served by computing either time or distance to that location.


Circulation Networks

Circulation networks are basically routes within an area used by vehicles and pedestrians and they can be categorized by colour into different classes depending on whether the road is major or minor.

Stream and Catchment Delineation

In very simple terms, this is a way to represent all the streams/channels and drainage basins located in a particular area of interest.

Contour Generation within the Ethiopian Rift

In this case, using 2015 GTFS (Global Transit Feed Specification) data of Nairobi and its environs, downloaded from Digital Matatus GTFS, I was able to identify areas that were 15mins walking distance to various Bus stops.

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